Monday, October 22, 2012

Contagion in Hindi

Contagion is the word used in English to denote the spreading of germs by direct or indirect contact. The simple way of conveying it which comes to my mind is ''biimaarii phailnaa'' but it doesn't seem satisfactory because it is not specific enough. Can you translate the sample sentence ''The risk of contagion is higher in schools and public places'' into Hindi please?

"Sankraman" (संक्रमण) is the Hindi word for it. Here is the translation:

''The risk of contagion is higher in schools and public places'' => संक्रमण की आशंका स्कूलों और सार्वजनिक स्थानों में अधिक है.

Or, "The danger of contagion is higher in schools and public places' => 'संक्रमण का ख़तरा स्कूलों और सार्वजनिक स्थानों में अधिक है.

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